Ximedes at World Rail Festival Amsterdam
Oct 17, 2019 12:00:00 AM • Author: John-Peter Veldkamp

World Rail Festival Amsterdam (3 – 5 December ’19).
At the upcoming World Rail Festival in Amsterdam, Ximedes will be an active participant. Ximedes will exhibiting its expertise and development capabilities, focusing on the strong need on standardisation in the IT Architecture for Public Transport (PT) vehicles. Standardisation in IT architecture for PT specifies communication protocols and hardware interfaces to offer a full interoperability of IT systems (on-board and backoffice) for PT applications. The aim is to provide a set of standards for plug-and-play IT-systems. Based on open technologies, it gives the possibility to implement and interface IT systems with common mechanisms, standard rules and protocols. The IT architecture for PT specifications has been established to provide PT operators and PT authorities recommendations and requirements to implement an open and fully interoperable IT systems architecture for PT applications. The desired outcome is a plug-and-play landscape, offering a platform that enables quick integration of new systems and services. In this way cost savings can be achieved and a quick go-to-market, in that way keeping ahead of the competition.
The European market
The IP based approach has really been gaining traction in the world of Public Transport in the last year. There are now 2 European initiatives (ITxPT & VDV301), that are being referenced and implemented in recent projects. With the different tenders referencing the new standard, we see the interest growing exponentially. Organisations like ITxPT and VDV301 are both pushing the standard and really supporting organisations. It’s safe to say that this trend towards standardisation is here to stay.
Interested to find out how we can help?
If you, as a PTO/PTA or a hardware supplier or a vehicle manufacturer, are interested in developing a similar platform, why not use our expertise and the available components as a starting point, as an accelerator for your project? Similarly, if you as a supplier want to test if your solution is compliant, we can help! Feel free to reach out to us at: info@ximedes.com