Ximedes @ Persontrafik (Stockholm, 22-24 October)
Oct 16, 2018 12:00:00 AM • Author: John-Peter Veldkamp

Benefit from our experience with the BUS implementation of an IP based platform for Public Transport Vehicles
On any Public Transport Vehicle (PTV), there are multiple on-board systems that are required to operate the vehicle and it’s services. Running the specific services is complex and the lack of standardisation is resulting in high operational costs. Additionally, the cost of change is rising, as a result of the vendor lock-in. To regain more control and reduce the risk at the same time, GVB (PTO of Amsterdam) has decided to introduce it’s own IP based – on-board – platform, that will be introduced for their new and existing fleet of PTV’s.
The advantages of implementing such a platform are obvious. By deploying the platform, any PTO (or any Public Transport Authority - PTA) will regain control on the hardware components and the services of the vehicle. The result is reduced costs & complexity, while increasing the interoperability of new and existing systems, like eTicketing (validators), information displays, Passenger Counting, VeCom, dynamic travel information, etc.
Based on the Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA), Ximedes has developed and implemented the first release of the platform, based on the prEN131419-7, referencing the ITxPT and VDV-301 implementations.
The platform is being offered to other parties that are interested. So, feel free to book a slot or drop by for a demo and introduction to the platform.
Hoppas att vi ses snart!
Come and see us at the Persontrafik, stand C10:34
John-Peter Veldkamp
Manager Mobility Solutions & Innovation
E: john-peter.veldkamp@ximedes.com
M +31 6 – 21 25 89 07
Skype john-peterveldkamp
Cover photo by Pascal Sulocha